The imforge.cut module contains functions for cutting areas of images.

  • imforge.cut.cut_out():

    Cut out the areas delimited by a given list of polygons: i.e. fill image pixels outside of given polygons with the given fill color.

    The input image is modified in place.

    Sample usage:

    from PIL import Image
    from imforge.crop import crop
    with"/path/to/image.jpg") as image:
        # with a single polygon and default color (black)
        polygon = [(15, 8), (368, 78), (325, 161), (14, 71)]
        cut_out(image, polygon)
        # with multiple polygons and purple color
        polygons = (
           [(15, 8), (368, 78), (325, 161), (14, 71)],
           [(100, 0), (150, 0), (125, 20)],
           [(0, 150), (200, 150), (200, 178), (0, 178)],
       cut_out(image, *polygons, fillcolor=(255, 0, 255))