The imforge.cut module contains functions for cutting areas of images.

  • imforge.cut.cut_out():

    Cut out the areas delimited by a given list of polygons: i.e. fill image pixels outside of given polygons with the given fill color.

    The input image is modified in place.


    The fill color is not necessarily an RGB color. It depends on the color space of the processed image. In particular, OpenCv images are usually opened in BGR mode, so the fill color must be a BGR value in such case.

    Sample (pillow) usage:

    from PIL import Image
    from imforge.cut import cut_out
    with"/path/to/image.jpg") as image:
        # with a single polygon and default color (black)
        polygon = [(15, 8), (368, 78), (325, 161), (14, 71)]
        cut_out(image, polygon)
        # with multiple polygons and purple color
        polygons = (
           [(15, 8), (368, 78), (325, 161), (14, 71)],
           [(100, 0), (150, 0), (125, 20)],
           [(0, 150), (200, 150), (200, 178), (0, 178)],
       cut_out(image, *polygons, fillcolor=(255, 0, 255))


    Calling imforge.cut.cut_out() with a PIL image is the same as calling imforge.cut.cut_out_pil().

    Sample (opencv) usage:

     import cv2
     from imforge.cut import cut_out
     image = cv2.imread("/path/to/image.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
     # with a single polygon and default color (black)
     polygon = [(15, 8), (368, 78), (325, 161), (14, 71)]
     cut_out(image, polygon)
     # with multiple polygons and purple color
     polygons = (
        [(15, 8), (368, 78), (325, 161), (14, 71)],
        [(100, 0), (150, 0), (125, 20)],
        [(0, 150), (200, 150), (200, 178), (0, 178)],
    cut_out(image, *polygons, fillcolor=(255, 0, 255))


    Calling imforge.cut.cut_out() with an OpenCv image (i.e. a NumPy array) is the same as calling imforge.cut.cut_out_cv2().